Kitchen Revamp
The first big project we decided to tackle in the house when we moved in was the kitchen. Being the heart of the home it was important to me that the kitchen reflected my style and was a place I enjoyed spending time.
We were fortunate enough that the previous owner had recently replaced the countertop and had put in a beautiful marble subway tile backsplash. However, the cabinet and doors were is poor condition. The doors were scratched up and several hinges had rusted over.
Upon first beginning this project we noticed that the cabinet boxes are all custom shapes and sizes. Therefore, the most cost effective and simplest solution was to order new doors to update the kitchen. I opted for shaker style cabinet doors to give the kitchen a fresh new look.
While the doors were being constructed I began stripping the cabinet boxes and prepping them for new paint. This included peeling all the old brown paint off, filling holes, and sanding down all surfaces for a clean smooth surface.
Once prepped we primed the boxes to create a good surface to apply the top coat for paint. Once the new doors were built and delivered we painted them as well (we opted to have them premiered by the builder). We ordered new door handles and slow close hinges to give the kitchen a little upgrade.
Once the paint had dried and handles were installed we moved on to lighting. We removed the single ceiling light and added six can lights to the ceiling. Lastly, we added under cabinet lighting for the finishing touch.